Group consolidation manager

Genf Festanstellung View Job Description
Our client, an international company based in Geneva, is opening the Group consolidation manager position to ensure accurate and timely closing and provide relevant reports and analysis of the Group accounts.

hinzugefügt 17/09/2024

  • International working environment
  • Newly created position


Our client is an international company based in Geneva.


The Group consolidation manager is expected to deliver the following :

- ensure the timely submission of the monthly financial accounts of the individual companies; review and assess the completeness of the financial data reported by the affiliates.

- preparation and submit the consolidated monthly statutory financial accounts as per German GAAP.

- ensure a strong internal control environment with respect to consolidated accounts, related supporting documentation and audit trail.

- maintain an open communication with subsidiaries and provide information for specific and complex accounting treatment.

- analyse the financial accounts and provide management with clear and meaningful information on significant movements and deviations.

- prepare the consolidated annual group financial statements in accordance with German GAAP.

- lead the statutory audit process by proactively managing the relationship with the group and component auditors as well the planning and execution of the audit.

- product and deliver the group consolidation and consolidated forecast management accounts on a monthly basis, together with appropriate analysis on a timely and accurate basis.

- perform the detailed analytical review of management fees, other income streams and expenses. Coordinate and prepare the group budget and respective consolidation.

- Take proactive part in IT finance tools upgrade.


The Group consolidation manager is expected to present the following profile :

- Bachelor's degree in Finance & Accounting or Accounting diploma. CPA/Brevet Fédéral (Finance and accounting) certification preferred

- 3+ years working experience in consolidating group statutory accounts as per German GAAP within a complex international environment

- Strong knowledge of German GAAP is essential, Swiss GAAP a plus

- English and German languages mandatory

- Proactive, autonomous mindset with excellent communication skills


The opportunity to build the consolidation processes for the group within a dynamic and ambitious working environment.

Célia Arnaud


Audit & Advisory
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Célia Arnaud

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