Deputy Compliance Senior Manager (m/w/d)

Frankfurt am Main Festanstellung €90.000 - €120.000 p.a. View Job Description
The Senior Manager will act as the Deputy Compliance Officer and support in advising the Management Board and ensure compliance with local requirements for the Compliance function set out in MaRisk AT 4.4.2 and the Minimum Requirements for the Compliance Function and MaComp.

Aktualisiert am 15/01/2025

  • Opportunities to grow
  • Exciting Responsibilities


Our client is a renommated international bank with an English-speaking head office.


  • Support Compliance Officer and Management Board to ensure compliance with applicable regulatory requirements and internal policies.
  • Develop, draft, and implement required compliance policies, procedures, systems and controls.
  • Horizon scan and maintain up to date knowledge of relevant regulatory changes and provide recommendations, guidance and advice to Business Unit stakeholders
  • Monitor and test compliance with policies and procedures (and exceptions)
  • Prepare responses to regulators relating to reg information requests, investigations and/or breaches
  • Monitor, measure and provide insights into compliance performance to identify corrective actions or improvements
  • Produce annual reports and management information on key compliance matters
  • Monitor the complaints procedure and use complaints as a source of information in the context of its general monitoring tasks.
  • Provide ongoing compliance training and awareness to staff
  • Drive and maintain a strong risk culture with a relentless focus on initiatives to strengthen the control environment
  • Assess, manage and optimise risk to ensure that financial goals are met within agreed risk appetite levels.
  • Stay up to date with the regulatory shifts impacting the business to ensure the business is compliant with internal & external requirements and regulations
  • Maintain appropriate market profile and position
  • Lead by example and encourage others to behave in ways which support the development of a successful and desired business culture
  • Demonstrate and promote behaviours with the aim to facilitate greater internal communication and performance outcomes across lines of business
  • Satisfactory performance against applicable internal and external compliance and control standards and codes of conduct
  • Complete any mandatory training in line with legal, regulatory and internal compliance requirements


  • Minimum or 5+ years' experience in comparable legal or compliance role with a high-level understanding of the German and EU conduct and prudential requirements
  • German language proficiency required and very good command of English language
  • Strong and effective communication skills with internal and external stakeholders
  • Sound judgement and decision making aligned with strategic direction of the business whilst maintaining key focus on compliance objectives
  • Demonstrate highest standards of personal integrity and ethical behavior
  • Very good in organizing, time management and stress management


  • A long-term perspective in a diverse field of work
  • Exciting responsibilities and opportunities to learn
  • The opportunity for self-directed work
  • Attractive and performance-based compensation
  • Benefits
  • Great team spirit and a modern company culture
  • Flexibility and hybrid working model (2 days per week from home)
Christopher Mieth
+49 1621053494


Banking & Financial Services
Näheres Berufsfeld
Compliance / Legal
Financial Services
Frankfurt am Main
Christopher Mieth
+49 1621053494

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